Sunday, July 18, 2010

Simple Ain't Easy

A person would think that living a more simplified life would be easy. That may be the case once life actually gets simplified - I don't know yet. But the process of becoming a simple life kind of gal is not an easy one. The vast amount of work involved in going through all of life's clutter is immense. Then you have to actually do something with the insane amount of gadgets, gizmos, knick-knacks, and nonsense.

Well, I am not what you would call a "motivated" person, so sometimes it's difficult to give myself that kick in the rear end that's required to get this job done. It is much easier to let chaos pile up around me while I sit in my comfy chair with some nice knitting and a yummy iced coffee - which is exactly what I did today rather than go through my kitchen as promised.

Honestly, I was beating myself up about this until I read the newest zenhabits post about change, inertia, and failure. I will fail, and that's okey dokey. I failed to clean out the kitchen, but that failure is not permanent. I need to focus on what I'm trying to do here (and why I'm trying to do it) and have a go at it again tomorrow. Some added motivation? I've made a solemn vow of no iced coffee until I've "earned" it by taking a load of stuff to Goodwill. :)

1 comment:

  1. I stumble on the get-it-out-of-the-house step. I purge with abandon and then think: I should have a yard sale or swap mete; I should consign this or give it to so-and-so. That great sage, Fly Lady, commands just DONATE, and she is totally right. But it's so HARD!
