Tuesday, August 10, 2010


A few weeks ago, we made the bold decision to do away with our cable. So far, we haven't missed it even a little bit....except for one tiny detail. The cable box was the only clock in the living room. We no longer have any idea what time it is. The first few days, this seemed like kind of a nuisance. How can we exist if we don't know exactly where we fall in the space-time continuum?!?!? But then I started to notice something...looking at our behavior (you know, in the same way that some people study gorillas and whatnot), I noted some changes. We've started doing strange things. Things like eating dinner when we're hungry instead of when the clock tells us we should. Imagine! We're also letting sleepy feelings tell us when to go to bed - sometimes much earlier, sometimes much later than we're used to. No more dinnertime. No more bedtime. This seems to be a much simpler (and less stressful) way to do things. So, go throw your clocks away and let me know how it goes! ;)

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