Saturday, August 14, 2010

They Will Eat Your Brains!

Magazines! I am guilty of falling prey to magazines. I flip through them to read this or that article, trying desperately to ignore the ever-present advertisements telling me that I'm not pretty, young, thin or stylish enough. I even (drum roll) subscribe to one of them. Or, I should say, I did subscribe to one of them, because I have decided to have a magazine-free life from now on. I temporarily deluded myself about the magazine I subscribed to in a couple of ways. I told myself it was different from other women's wasn't all about fashion and celebrity gossip. But in some crucial ways, it is exactly like other women's magazines. Particularly in regards to those ads I mentioned up there. The ones that constantly tell me there's something wrong with the way I currently am....that I should be on the constant look out for opportunities to spend money on improving my appearance and style. To that I say a great big phbbbbbbbbbbtht! To put that into actual words, I reject that mentality, and I feel mentally healthier for it. I also fell into the I-will-want-to-look-at-this-article-again-someday trap. And that's the one that leads to clutter. Gasp. Shudder. Not to mention, I never actually go back to those articles. So, to avoid mental and physical clutter, I am banning magazines from my life. No more subscriptions and no more stacks of clutter - they're all heading straight for the recycling bin.

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