Saturday, July 24, 2010

Empty Pockets (Part 2)

So, when last we discussed my empty pockets, I told you that I was going to restrict errand running to one day per week. I also promised that I would answer the question of what I'm going to do when "something" comes up. Well, that's actually pretty easy. "Something" doesn't really pop up out of nowhere very often. People have their birthdays around the same time every year. Holidays are pretty well scheduled. Family traditions tend to stay the same - that's what makes them traditions. So, the fabulously simple answer to "something" coming up is to check a calendar and plan ahead. Tada! Now, of course, things will come up that can't be planned break down, people get sick, and so on. When those things happen, I'll take care of them. This once a week thing is a guideline - the "powers that be" haven't drawn up any laws about it yet. (I hope not, anyway.)

I've also had to concede that sometimes I will have to go out twice per week. I do own a small business that promises to ship items within three business days of receiving an order. Any way you figure it, this could land me at the post office twice a week. If that's the case, I'll do it with no complaints because that means business is good. ;)

Now for Part 2 of my plan! An allowance. Yes, that's right. My husband and I are giving ourselves cash allowances each week. That's the money for goofy day-to-day stuff like the dash to a favorite restaurant with friends from work or my husband's pineapple soda addiction. When the cash is gone, we will have to politely decline lunch dates and walk sadly past the pineapple soda machine. This will, hopefully, help to get frivolous spending under control and make us more aware of how much money is flying from our bank account for things we don't need.

Coming Soon: Part 3 of Empty Pockets

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