Thursday, July 22, 2010

Put a Smile on Your Face

I was originally planning to bring you Part 2 of Empty Pockets tonight, but I had another thought that doesn't seem to want to go away, so I'm going with that one. And that thought is: smiles. Yes, I've been thinking about smiles. More specifically, the causes of them.

When reading or listening to advice in many, many areas, you will hear "keep a journal" over and over again. Trying to lose weight? Keep a food journal. Trying to control anger? Keep an anger journal. Trying to get in touch with this, that, or the other part of yourself? Keep a journal. Well, today it occurred to me that if I'm trying to focus on what creates the most happiness in my life, perhaps I should keep a smile journal. What made me smile today? It seems to me that documenting smiles allows you to focus and reflect on what actually makes you happy with the added benefit of getting to smile about the same things all over again. Now, of course, this is about real smiles, not fake smiles or "just to be polite" smiles.

So, here's the "for example" bit:

As I was hugging my husband before he went to work today, I told him that he smelled good. He immediately exclaimed, "That's because I'm made entirely of pickles!" How could a person not smile at that?

My step-daughter is working at cleaning out and simplifying her bedroom. The amount of enthusiasm and zeal she has for separating toys into different bins for keep, Goodwill, and trash is enough to make The Grinch grin. She gets particularly excited about being able to take lots of stuff to donate to other kids. She makes me so proud I could pop!

My husband was reading a book to my step-daughter (at some point I might start using these people's actual names) tonight and they both fell asleep in her room. I stood at the door to her room and just watched them and listened to their little snores. Super-contented smile.

Is there any doubt that my family brings about a great deal of happiness for me? Of course, I was already aware of that, but paying attention to my smiles just for one day certainly reinforced the notion.

So, what did you smile about today? Really....I wanna know. Don't be bashful - leave a comment. :)

1 comment:

  1. I smiled at your post, does that count? :) Besides, you know what I think the best part of smiles is...they're free and they make you look prettier. Maybe that should be a tip in my next series on multi-purpose items. A smile is a free way to look more alert, welcoming, and beautiful. :)
