Monday, July 5, 2010

Taking the Plunge

Sometimes, if not most of the time, life's complications are 100% self-created. This was the case with my recently deceased insanity- and insecurity-driven pool ritual. Few things in the world make me as content and relaxed as floating on my back in the pool and stargazing. (Yep, I'm a night swimmer.) Until a few days ago, though, my pool adventures were complicated by a complex combination of strategies to cover myself. No doubt, I have body issues, but to swim in a bathing suit with baggy shorts and t-shirt is just silly...not to mention uncomfortable. I won't even go into details about the complicated towel, pool bag, and cover-up procedures involved. Really, it was to the point of swimming being more of a chore than anything. And then....

I decided that was just crazy! Okay, I have body issues. Rather than cover them up, I'm choosing to do something about them. You know, the whole eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise bit. I also made a radical decision - to buy a new bathing suit. I took lots of deep breaths, got my resolve in place, and plunged into the store in pursuit of a bathing suit that I could live with. One that I could wear without multiple layers over it. One that I could throw on and just not worry about. I was determined. I had to do that most evil of things to make it happen - try things on. Yick. But it was worth the effort when I found the one I can live with. I realize simplicity is usually the opposite of buying things, but, in this case, the bathing suit was freeing. I was able to donate all of those shorts and baggy shirts, as well as my previous bathing suit, to Goodwill. Now I can throw on my suit, grab a towel, and head to the pool worry-free, sharing my fabulous cleavage with the world. ;)

Moral of this story? Accept who and what you are right now and find the things that will make your life simple and happy.

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